Tuesday 3 May 2016

11 Spring

Sparkle is an adult today but no egg.  I daresay she will lay an Egg tomorrow.  I caught my first Barbatus and some more of the Bluegill.

Smashed some of the large rocks on my farm.  I don't want to fill my field with crops.  It takes a couple of hours to water everything even with the Gold Watering Can.

Harvested a number of Crops for the first time, including Pink Dahlia.

12 Spring:

First egg from Sparkle.  I don't know whether to incubate or cook it... I think I will cook it and incubate the next one.

Harvested my first Broccoli.

I went into the Mine and made it to the 57th floor before I decided I had enough stuff to process and sell for the Big House.  Unfortunately, although I received the Nouveau Riche Memory for obtaining more than 100,000G (I think I had about 120,000G) from selling to Sam, I had not planned well... Having processed and then sold a lot of Glass and Mithril a day or two ago, I no longer had sufficient for the Big House... so back to the Hot Spa, because I had less than half a heart left and then back into the Mine, forcing myself to do the latter!

Although Mitrhil can appear almost at once in the Mine, your chances improve obviously on the larger floors such as 11.  Glass Material appears instantly but again, the same rocks that a few days ago I hoped would contain Silver Ore now had to contain Glass Material for me to find them useful.

I think Bobcat only appears on certain days as well.  Tonight he was on the path and gave me a very long Meooooow! instead of the shorter one.

I did buy my first Horse though for 20,000G.  He is a baby as well, so the earlier one can buy him, the better.

Reached maximum slots for Seeds, sadly.  20 slots filled with Crop and Flower Seeds.  Have to plant at least one tonight, as I hate being without choices.

It is possible to find a floor where the ladder is not within one or two spaces from the wall but very uncommon.  I now have experienced it twice, obviously on the larger floors.

So you need 85,000G, 5 Mithril (15 Mithril Ore) 10 Glass (30 Glass Material) and 50 Hardwood.

Well, I have 4 Glass now with 21 Glass Material in my pack, 3 Mithril with 12 Mithril Ore in my pack.  Can I go home now?????!!!!  I think I have made the grade with the Mithril and Glass but still have to chop a lot of wood.  I now have all the Gold Tools so it shouldn't be difficult.  The time of day and energy are the trouble now.  It's almost 9.00 p.m.

 Incidentally, consumption of Great Strawberry Jam when I had only 1 1/2 hearts gave me 4 hearts while the regular Strawberry Jam gave me only 3.   This was in the Mine in the early afternoon... but if I make one of each at home now at 11.50 p.m., with only half a heart, it recovers my energy only to 2 heart and they BOTH are identical.  So time of day must have some effect on this.

The full round pink trees give 3 to 5 Hardwood Lumber and1 extra when you cut the stump.  The Pine Trees give Softwood Lumber.... need 40 Hardwood now.   How many you obtain appears to be random up to a point.  I wonder if the Goddess will be angry that I am decimating the landscape and I wonder if less Fruits will drop.

The number of items in my bag is maxed out so I couldn't make the Great Strawberry Jam until I consumed the regular Strawberry Jam.  I went outside quickly to plant two Cosmos Seeds and two Pink Rose Seeds to empty those slots.

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