Wednesday 18 May 2016

Sunday, 26 Summer, April's Field of Flowers

When I leave the house, I find April down i the southwest corner of my original field.  As soon as I speak to her, I experience her event.

April: Mmm-hee.... H-Hello, Freyashawk...  When I was little, I... I played in a field of flowers... that used to be here...  I-It's not here anymore, but... I w=wish I could go see it again... s-somehow...  N-Not just by myself, but to... to show it to everybody in town... I want them to see it, too...  I want to fill the town with flowers and... and make it like one big field of flowers...

My choices now:

I look forward to seeing that.

That would take a long time.

Is that even possible...?

I choose:  I look forward to seeing that.

April:  Mmm-heee...  Thank you.  I want to bring lots of flowers into everybodys lives.  Nothing would make me happier than... than for everybody to love flowers like I do!  Isn't it funny?  I don't get embarrassed and tongue-tied when I talk about flowers...  If it's about flowers, I can express just what I'm feeling... but only about flowers.  I... I'm such a shy person, so... I can't speak when lots of people are around, but...  But I show what i feel to every one through flowers.  When I bring flowers to people, they smile... and that makes me s=so happy...

If I chose:  That would take a long time...

April:  M-Maybe so, but... um, but someday...  Isn't it funny?  I don't get embarrassed and tongue-tied when I talk about flowers...  If it's about flowers, I can express just what I'm feeling... but only about flowers.  I... I'm such a shy person, so... I can't speak when lots of people are around, but...  But I show what i feel to every one through flowers.  When I bring flowers to people, they smile... and that makes me s=so happy...

If I choose:  Is that even possible...?

April:  Maybe it' impossible, but...but I'll still try my best!  Isn't it funny?  etc.

Fields of Flowers
Got Viola Seeds

Selling 13 Brown Carrots won't do it... need more.  Selling 14 Brown Carrots won't do it either so it has to be at least 20 I iimagine.  Selling 7 Bell Pepper does nothing.  Have to sell at least 20 Brown Carrots to unlock them.

Brutus is at my farm in the evening.  Is fo ryou job to protect this place.  The place is important for Brutus.

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