Wednesday 11 May 2016

30 Spring, Tony's Event

Went to the Forge.   Spoke to Tony... did not have to give him anything to initiate the next event.

Tony:  Oh hi, Freyashawk... What's going on?  Did you need to ask my poppa something?
Hold on a second.  I'll call him for you...
???  Oh no!  OH NO!

Emily now is here sweating profusely from every pore of her being.

Emily:  Something TERRIBLE happened!  The Bell of Memories... Something's wrong with it!

Tony:  Wait... what?!

Now in the square, lots of people staring upward at it, including Iris, April, Sam, Emily and us.
Emily:  When I rang it as usual to test it, it didn't have its usual sweet tone AT ALL!  I don't know what's wrong with it and I don't know anybody who would be able to fix it...
Tony:  ... If there's a crack in the bell, even repairing the crack might not restore the sound to how it was.  I guess... we'll ask my poppa what to do about it...

???  Is not being business for Brutus.  Tony, you try fix!
Tony: (!)
Briutus enters square:  Maybe delicate work like bell is being best kind of work for you.  Tony can do.  I put job for you.
Tony:  B=But... P=Poppa.  I ... Freyashawk... what should I do...?  ... I g-guess I'll give it a try...
Screen darkens, back now at his house.
Tony:  Uh... I thnk the bell's okay... Thaere was just something stuck inside it, I guess...  It just needs to be cleaned out... and have the clapper adjusted... and it should sound right again.  But... the bell's really old... The metal's gotten brittle so eventually... it'll break...  ... But until it does break, I'll work on trying to make a replica of it.  Uh... I'll probably make a lot of screw ups at first, and my poppa will yell at me...  But I know you'll be giving me encouragement, Freyashawk.  Thanks.

Tony and the Bell
Got Adamantite: 5

If I give April a Marguerite and then speak to her, I will experience an event.
Ah... Freyashawk... H-Hello

I-I heard you're growing many flowers.  I... I... I-I just love flowers!  What k=kinds of flowers are you growing, Freyashawk?  Can I... come see them when... when they bloom?  When I was little, I played ina big field of flowers... I could n-never forget that, but I...  ... I c-can't recall WHERE the flowers were now.  I wish I could go again to someplace like that.  Oh, I WISH!  Eek...!  N=never mind!  I just g=got a little too excited.

My choices now:

YOu startled me!
You really do love flowers, huh?
I don't mind.

I don't mind.

B-but I c-can't help feeling really embarrassed...  I... I always get like that when... when I'm talking about flowers...  Flowers are so... so pretty, and... I feel so cheerful when I see them!  Hee=hmm... I'm happy that y-you like flowers too, Freyashawk.

If I choose:  You really do love flowers, huh?

Y-Yes, I do!  I I love flowers!  So much!  YES!  Oops! I g-got overexcited again.  I'm so embarrassed!  I wish I could s-sink into the ground...  I... I always get like that, etc.

April's Love of Flowers
Got Strawberry Seeds: 8

If I chose: You startled me!
I'm s-so s-sorry... I feel so mmm embarrassed...  I... I always get like that, etc.

When I speak to Tabitha in her house, I expeirence an event

Mwah!  Freyashawk!  So you have come to see the World's Number one Witch at last?  Mwah-heh-heh, you cannot hide the truth from me!  I understand now you were irresistably drawn to me!  Now, what mystical favours do you need from me today ==

Sally races into the house, sweating profusely.

Sally:  What am I going to do...?  What?  I... I...

Tabitha:  Calm down, small human girl!  Your problems are solved!  The Worlds Number One Witch is on the scene!

Sally:  My pendant... The one I got from my mother... It's my most precious thing... and I lost it somewhere...  I looked EVERYWHERE for it and it didn't turn up... What am I going to do?  It's irreplaceable...

Tabitah:  ... That is a traci fate, human child!  But do not fret!  The case is as good as solved.  Finding lost things is a cinch for the World's Number One Witch!

Now we three are at the crossroads and Tabitha is under the pine tree on the left.

Tabitha:  I found it!    Isn't this your lost item?

Sally with music darts forward:  My pendant...!  Tha'st the pendant my mother gave me@  I'm so glad you found it... Thank you, Miss Witch!  Thanks a million!

Tabitha:  That's nothing for a witch of my calibre!  Aren't you glad to have it back?

Sally:  Uh-huh... Thank you, Miss Witch!  I'll never lose it again!

Now Tabitha and I are alone in her house.

Tabitha:  Mwah-heh0heh, it's nice to see her get her pendant back1  That is the mission of witches... helping humans!  So, Freyashawk!  Now you must agree what an extraordinary and superb witch I am!  Right?

My choices now:
Are you feeling okay?
You're freaking me out.
That was nice of you.

That was nice of you.

Tabitha:  O-Of course!  I am a kind, good witch!  But you're going to make me blush if you flatter me like that, Freyashawk!  ... And I really a glad that child got her pendant back.  Seeking spells are easy, but... if I had messed it up, it would have hurt her feelings...  ... I need to be more confident in using my magic...
Tabitha the Detective
Got Squash Seeds: 5

If I chose:  ARe you feeling okay?
Tabitah:  What are you implying, human?!  I feel the same way I always feel!  ... And I really am glad that hcild got her pendant back.

If I chose;  You're freaking me out!

Tabitha:  What a rude thing to say!  I'm a very respectable witch!  ... And I really am glad, etc.

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