Tuesday 17 May 2016

Hunter's Sick Cow Event, Tuesday 21 Summer

On Emily's Birthday, 21 Summer, I went to deliver a gift to Andrea in front of the Bar at night and then, on a chance, went to visit Hunter for the second time that day.  This was after 9.00 p.m.  When I entered his house, I spoke to him and triggered his event... been trying to find the location for days!

Hunter:  Shucks...  ...Muh cow's gone and got sick.  And th' reg'lar medicine ain't workin' like it ought...  I'm takin' care a'th'ol' girl as best i can but... things ain't lookin so good...  I wish I'd a=noticed she was sick a mite sooner...

Me: (!)

Hunter:  Y'all gonna help me tend t'mush sick cow...?  Now that's right neighbourly of y'all...  Muh cow's this-a-way...

The screen darkens and we are outside in the paddock in the rain.

Hunter:  It's kinda like a cold, puttin' it in human terms, but she's runnin' a mighty high fever...  She don' look well at all.. Y'all can see clear as day that she's a=sufferin'...  Freyashawk... I appreciate y'all's help... I ... feel better havin' y'all 'round...  One way or another, we gotta help muh poor cow...

I turn to tend to the cow.  Screen darkens again and we are back in his house.

Hunt:  Thank t'y'all, muh cow seems t'have settled down real nice.... She's breathin' more reg'lar now, an' eatin' awright... I think th' ol' girls gonna pull through...  Freyashawk, I...
.,.Shucks, I jus' can't thank y'all enough...  I ... ain't good at dealin' with folks, so I've always had t' handle muh troubles by muhself...  But... havin' y'all here by me... well, it jus' sets muh mind at ease... an' that's the truth...  Y'all're one-of-a-kind... Since y'all came to these parts, I been doi' more talkin' than ever...  An' I been recollectin' things 'bout th' old days.  As a young' un, I saw a big  ol cow at th' farm.  Long 'fore y'all came, that was when th'previous owners had th' place...

Hunter's Sick Cow
Got Supreme Egg: 5

The irony is that it is raining heavily and the poor cow was outside in the paddock at night, both of which are not good!  And he calls himself an Animal Husbandry Expert!

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