Wednesday 18 May 2016

Hunter's 4th Heart Event, Tuesday, 28 Summer

Unsaved because I am skipping ahead to see if I can harvest sufficient Brown carrots to unlock the seeds before the end of Summer.

In any case, I suspected it had to occur on one of his day's off, and I was right.  Found Hunter between my Animal Barn and Chicken Coop early Tuesday afternoon and spoke to him to initiate his Fourth Heart Event.  The earliest you can find him will be 11.00 a.m. I believe.

Huh... Howdy, Freyashawk.  Work been keepin' y'all busy?  Don't work y'all's fingers t'th'bone.  ,...  When I come 'round 'yall's farm, I recollect my days bein' a young'un...  There were tons a' cows on this farm back then.  Big 'uns ... too An' I was buddies with 'em...  Those're some mighty precious memories... But somehow, they done slipped muh mind for a spell...  Then y'all settled in on this here farm, an' I started in t' rememberin' ... Much obliged...  I'm happy y'all settled down here, Freyashawk... I'm glad t' have met y'all...  But... I ain't so good wirth words.  Maybe.. Maybe that gets on y'all's nerves, huh?  Why do y'all put up with muh tongue-tied ways, anyway...?

My choices now:

No partiicular reason.
It's not easy sometimes.
I just feel relaxed around you.

As much as I wished to complain (and scream), I chose;  I just feel relaxed around you.

Hunter: ... Well, shucks.  That sure is nice a'y'all t' say.  Y'all're really somethin'... Even talkin' t'a fella like me, an' bein' friends with all the folks...  I sure do respect that.  I wish I could be like y'all...  Be some kinda, shucks, I dunno... bridge a' understandin' 'tween th' animals and th' folks...  Y'all're a peach of a friend... I jus' want t' keep our friendship goin' good...

Hunter's Memory
Miracle Milk: 5

If I had chosen: No particular reason.
Naw, I s'pose there ain't no partic'lar reason, is there...?  Boy howdy...  Y'all're really somethin'... etc.

If I chose:  It's not easy sometimes.

 Hunter:  Shucks... I sure as shootin' need t'figure out how t'speak better.  Y'all're really somethin...

Sally:  I don't get all excited over birthdays since I'm not a little kid!  Thanks for saying it though.

Sally's Birthday
Cosmos Seeds

Gave her Strawberry Jam:  A birthday present?  For me?  Oh, it's something I was hoping I'd get!  Thanks!

Andrea is at the southwest corner of my farm at night tonight.  She has over 3 Musical Hearts.

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