Friday 13 May 2016

3 Summer

Got first Great Green Peppers and Red Pepper.  Went back to Floor 55 of the mine...  need a bit of extra cash.  Still collecting wool for the Huge House... have 400,000G. but have spent a great deal really.

Walked into the Bar and experienced an event at once.

Luke and Catherine facing one another in front of the counter.
Catherine:  I do apologise... Why must I always end up ruining things like this...?

Luke:  I gotta say, it's not good for you to be so sharp-toungued towards the customers...  The regulars know you, and they know what you're like, so you can gradually work on it.

Catherine:  But... I simply have no idea how to go about remedying it!  I try to observe myself strictly, but...

Luke:  Yeah... You do okay talking with me, so I wonder why you struggle with other...?

Catherine:  Th-That's because... No reason!  I will reflect on it more myself and we shall see...

Screen darkens and now Catherine faces me in front of counter.

Catherine:  It's you, Freyashawk.  Good day.  Were you... eavesdropping on that conversation?  Task, tsk!

I must insist that you put it out of your mind!  It most certinly is no concern of yours!  ... I am able to speak amibly with Lucke simply because I have great respect for him.  ... I aspire to be like him.  He is good-natured, and has so many friends.... I should very much like to enjoy the same social success he has... so I took employment in his bar.  Nevertheless, nothing has changed so far... and I am quite at my wit's end about what to do...  ... My goodness, what came over me to be speaking all these private thoughts to you of all people!  How wretched!  You will forget we ever had this converation!  Understood?  Tsk!  ... Tsk, tsk!

Catherine's Quandary
Princess Eye Seeds

Emily:  I just remembered!  The owners of the farm before you grew the most delicious vegetables!

Cagtherine:  I remember now!  That kindly old couple once lived on the farm that now belongs to you.

4 Summer:

When I picked up a Compost this morning, got:

Cunning Collector
Got Moonstone: 5

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