Wednesday 11 May 2016

Friday, 26 Spring: Gareth and Catherine Events at the Bar

Hanna's daughter near the screen entrance in the north on Thursday and friday so no Tony

Walk into the bar at 8.45 on Friday night and Gareth's event triggers at once.  Every one is standing about near the counter.

Gareth: Hmmm... I have detected an anomaly in the motins of the heavenly bodies in recent months...  It may indicate that any ventures undertaken now are ill-fated.

Sam:  N-now why youse gotta go freakin' people out wit crazy predctions...!  Youse can't be serious!

Hanna:  Tee-hee-hee-hee!  Dontget so flustered, Sam!

Gareth:  The sgtarsfrown on new endavours at this time.  It would be wise to leave things be.

Sam  Fine, fine.  I hear youse already!  I won't launch any new scames --er, BUSINESSES -- for awhile!

Screem darlems amd evemt emds. but Gareth then automaticlaly tell me:  ... Ahh, it's you!  If yuoui relquire fortiunetelling services, there will be a brief wait.  Since it is imperative I not be bested by that witch, I opened a fortuneteller's shop here.  But consulting with so many seekers of wizardly wisdom has temporarily exhausted my powers of speech.

My choices now:

How does that happen?

Why not go home, then?

Then how ae you speaking now?

I choose;  How does that happen?

Gareth:  My personality is unlike yours.  I must expend considerable energy toconduct casual conversation...  Ah-ha...!  Fascinating.  Conversing with you does not tax my energy like others.  What could explain this anomaly? ... Ah, now I recolle ct that people were mentioning you in conmvesation at the bar... That may have sparked my curiosity about you.  Thus, giving purpose toour conversation.  Consider... You suddenly arrived here and settled down to restore that farm to its previous vitality, correct?  Intriguing.  There must be more to you than meets the eye, human.  I find myself eager to study you...

Gareth's Fortunetelling.
Got: Peridot Ore 3

If I had chosen:  Why not go home, then?
My urge to do so is like the heat of a thousand suns.  But I cannot allow that witch to best me...  Ah-ha...!

If I chose:  How are you speaing now.
Gareth? ...?  Your observation indded has validity...  Ah-ha!

I talk to Catherine now and get her Evetn

Tak, tak!  Look who has returned!  I suppose you'll behave as though you're swelcome, so go ahead!  ...Ah, yes, now I say: 'Will you have a beverage?'  We also serve food.  Whether you want anything or not, have the good grace to order SOMETHING!  Tsk!  ... Ah, that's right.  I have been infored that you are a farmer!  If you have any troubles, on your farm or otherwise, I would be... er... glad to listen!  ... No, that came our wrong.  Why must I struggle so just to...  Ulp!  N-Nothing at all!  Pay no mind!  Tsk, tsk!  If, er, you do have any troubles, you would be well ad ised to talk to Luke about them.  Luke, not me!  Have -- ahem-- have a nice day!  Tsk, tsk!

The Cold Waitress
Got Strawberry Seeds: 5

I give Catherine a Strawberry, Hanna an Onion and Emily some Broccoli, all most favs.  I had given Luke an egg outside his house earlier.  Alas, no more Green Peppers for Gareth.  Peridot Ore, although he gave it out at the event, is only liked.

Gilbert and Sam in the square.  Give Gilber the last Mosquitofish and gave Sam a Hot Pepper, both most favs, then galloped hom on my steed.

I am feeding the animals at night now to prevent them from awakening hungry.  I can't pick them up when they are hungry.

Saturday, 27 Spring:  cannot expeirence Tony's event because he never is standing in the right spot.

I walk into the Restaurant before 6.00 p.m. and expeirence Catherine's second Event though automatically.

Catherine stands in front of the counter.

Emoily:  Today's parfait special is Chocolate Banana Caramel!

Catherine: Ahem!  That sounds decadently sweet!  I suppose I'll have one.

Emily  Coiming right up!  It's so delicious it will knock your socks off!

The screend arkens and now Catherine and I face one another in front of the counter.

Well, if it isn't Freyashawk!  Good day to you.  Do you have some business with me?  Do not expect me to be so indulgent towards you as I must be at the bar!  I am off duty!  This is my personal time!  Kindly refrain from spoiling it with your badgering!  I make a habit of eating a parfait here at the restaurant.  I hope you have the manners not to comment!  Chocolate banana caramel parfait!  I am quite looking forward to it...

My choices now:

Sounds really sweet...
Do you like sweet foods?
Sounds delicious!

I chose:  Sounds delicious!

Catherine:  So you CAN manage a little prpper conversation with a lady!  Yes, eating sweets is simply bliss!  Ahem!  May I remind you that this is my personal time?  Conversing with YOU is not... is...  Tsk!...!  YOu have put me all out of sorts now...!

Parfait Paradise
Magical Berry Seeds: 5

Id I had chosen:  Do you like sweet foods?
Catherine:  Well, yes I do!  I quite adore them!  Eating sweets is simply bliss!  And the desserts at this restaurant are superb!  Delightfully sweet!  I always come here before work!  Ahem!  May I remind you...

I have 8 Magical berry Seeds now.

If I had chosen:  Sounds really sweet...

Catherine;  And I suppose you disapprove of sweets!  Do you frown upon the happiness they bring me...?

For what it is worth, the second answer appears to be the best one.

I gave Hanna an Onion, Emily Broccoli and Sally some Strawberry Jam.  I gave Naomi celery earlier.

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