Saturday 14 May 2016

5 Summer

Last night  Today's shipment is 174380G... nothing more than stuff up to Floor 54 of the mine, but I thought a little more cash would not go amiss.

Rowan at my house at dawn:    Good morning!  The Fireworks Festival is coming up and I wanted to be sure you knew about it!  The Fireworks Festival will be on the 12th.  You should invite somebody to go with you between now and then!

Immediately after:

???  Hey, Freyashawk!  Is being awake?  Please to being come and look!

Brutus of course:

Brutus  Morning, Freyashawk.  Sorry for waking early in morning.  Brutus is being appreciate you, so decide to build bridge for farm of yours.

Scene of bridge

Brutus;  Now Freyashawk is being able to make more fields on other side of river.  HOping bridge is being useful of you.  Now Brutus must go.

Memory of the Bridge
Purple Pepper Seeds: 5

Event ends with me back in the house and it is 10.00 a.m.!!!!!  How wasteful!  So... went to bed after 2.00 a.m. and still same result, so you can go to bed late on this day without penalty.

As soon as I speak to any Bachelor now;  Invite to the Fireworks Festival?

You can decline and still ask again...  What is disturbing though:  why so far in advance???

What is REALLY ANNOYING is that Hunter's shop is open today, but I have no option to buy from him because it keeps asking if I want to invite him to the Fireworks Festival!  Unless I do it, I can't buy Feed from him or anything else!  So I have to invite some one before I go to his shop if I want to buy anything again before 12 Summer!

Ha!  I figured out a way to avoid it.  If I try to give him a second milk, I get the conversation about not taking a second gift instead and then the Buy menu will open. It only works once alas...

Hunter:  Th' Fireworks Festival...?  ... Alrighty.  I ain't got nothin' planned fer that day... I'll tag along with y'all.  Tell y'all what,... I'll come pick y'all up at yer house the day of, so be there 'tween 5 p.m. and 7.59 p.m. ... I love me some fireworks.  I can't wait t'see 'em with y'all. (Then I reloaded!)

You have to fiddle with it... sometimes reloading works and sometimes it will not work and all you can do is ask him.  Anyway, bought 99 regular and 99 great animal feed, so should be set until the 12th.

So basically you can give gifts to all of them but as soon as you try to speak to them again, you get the option to invite.

I go home and go to bed just to see if the option will continue the next day.

6.00 a.m.
Freyashawk: (!()
Rowan appears:  Freyashawk!  You accidentally left your animals out!  i put them all back in the barn, but they're a bit mad at your right now.  Remember to let your animals back in before dark1

It's only the horse...  Yes, can still issue invites, so reloaded... and could still ride the horse, so how mad can he be?  His heart level probably decreased a little.

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