Monday 2 May 2016

Flower Fesrival

Good morning!  Today's the Flower Festival!  It's the day you give flowers to people you appreciate!  They can be ones you grow or from the wild.  When picking wild flowers in the mountain, just tap on them in Farm Mode.  If you can think of anybody you appreciate, you should give them a flower!

Actually, there is no Festival in the Square as one would expect.  You simply find people and talk to them, giving a flower if you wish.  Any flower appears to raise heart levels considerably and I somehow feel this would not occur on any other day with a gift of the same flower.

The first flower you give will become a Memory of the Flower Festival and you will receive Purple Pansy Seeds 5.

What was interesting was that Gareth, not a particular flower lover, went up to a full heart with the gift of a Marguerite.

Gold Hammer:  Three taps to destroy the large rocks.  Two for the medium ones with Silver or Gold.

I harvested Onion, Great Onion and Scallions today.  Are Scallions a hybrid crop?

Scallion: 90G

Flowers for the Flower Festival!
The Flower Fesetival
Purple Pansy Seeds; 5

If I give Gareth a Marguerite:
Gareth:  The Flower Festival is of no interest to me, however... Thank you.
The Flowr Festival
Purple Pansy Seeds: 5

Tabitha:  If you give Jimmy a Sunflower on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If you give Emily a yellow Tulip on the Flower Festival, she'll be really happy!

If you give Sally a white tulip on the Flower Festival, she'll be really happy!

If you give some one a gift they hate, they won't hate YOU... but try to give them something they DO like!

If you give Gilbert a white dahlia on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If you give Luke a yellow dahlia on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If yiou give Tabitha a sunny red on the Flower Festival, she'll be REALLY happy human!

If you give Gareth a viola on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If you give April a pink carnation on the Flower Festival, she'll be really happy!

If you give some one who wears yellow a yellow flower on the flower Festival

If you give Andrea a red rose on the flower festival, she'll be really happy!

If you give Hanna a yellow pansy on the Flower Festival, she'll be really happy

If you give Brutus a purple pansy on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If yiou give some one high above the clouds a blue rose on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If you give some one deep underground a marguerite on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If you give Sam a pink dahlia on the Flower Festival, he'll be really happy!

If you win a contest, every one in town will acknoweldge you!  It's a great way to become popular!

Sam, the junk shop owner, seems to dislike ... Milk!

Hunter, the animal Shop owner, seems to dislike... sweet things.

If you give Naomi a pink rose on the Flower Festival, she'll be really happy!

If you give Catherine a white rose on the Flower Festival, she'll be really happy!

Gareth:  Hmm.. You should put things you can't fit in your bag in your drawr and refrigerator.
Hm.  It seems that the fish you can catch changes depending on the location.
Hm... if you plant grass in your firled, you animals will eat it when you let them out to graze.

perch: 350G
Barbatus: 300G
Crucian Carp: 100G
Bluegill: 100G

Gareth:  Don't forget the time when you're in the mine.

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