Monday 9 May 2016

Thursday 18 Spring

First chick hatched, annoyingly hungry so I couldn't pick it up until it ate...  Shimmer.
My horse actually lets me ride him... was he not a colt?  Is it only heart level?  I only have had him a few days.  The Cow and Sheep are NOT grown yet.

Got more Scallions and 3 Jalapenos

Dewey:  Who cares about birthdays?  Just because some one says happy birthday doesn't make ME happy!  Nuh-uh!
Dewey's Birthday
Red Zeppelin Seeds: 5

For Crucian Carp with red heart:  What?  A birthday present...?!  This thing is... really nice!  Th...Thank you...You're ... kind!

For Sapphire Ore:  What? A birthday present/ Awww... I guess I have to say thank you or whatever...  (with music)

Rowan:  Yiou remembered our birthday?  Thanks!

Rowan's Birthday
Pearl Onion Seeds: 5

for Great Onion with red heart:  I'm getting a birthday present?  Oooh!  I love this!  Thanks, Freyashawk!

Blossom:  All us Harvest Sprites have the same birthday!  You['re so-so-so-SO kind for remembering!
Blossom's Birthday
Magical Berry Seeds 5

Blossom for Marguerite with red heart:  A birthday present for me me me?  Yippee-dippy-dee!  I love this.  Thank yooooou, Freyashawk!

Time to buy another Sheep and Cow.... need 20 Wool for the next house expansion and I could use more Milk.

Name the Sheep Raincloud and the Cow Harmony.

Tomorrow if I go to the Lake in the morning and speak to Gilbert, I'll hav e an event:

It seems to me that recently, you've been fishing prolifically!  It is a joy to find a fishing chum!  To travelers like me, friends do not readily come!  Parentless, my grandfather raised me on the road, traveling always with no fixed abode!  Many are the places I have sojourned, and many the crowds my music has earned.  Buit when my music ceases, the crowds depart.  And I move on unremembered in their hearts.

My choises now:

Why worry about that/
I'm sure some remember you.
I'll remember you!

I'll remember you!

Gilbert:  ... Will you?  I thank you for your kindly vow.  A lifting of my spriits it does allow.  But there is great fickleness in human memory, sure enough.  Even precious memories of the past may be forgotten alas... ...  May I ask a boon of you, Freyashawk?

Got Skytree Seedling

When I parted from my grandfather to trvale alone, he gave me a seed, saying, seek where it may be sown.  This land is good, and the hearts of its people good to, in your choice to settle here, I commend you.  When this seed has grown to a mighty plant, it will testify to my stay here as memory can't.  So I will plant the sedd in this soil, but you and not I must tend it with toil...  And some how I feel nostalgia for this place of some past forgtten visit -- a memory's trace....  That seed is magical, you see.  From it will sprout the soaring Skytree.  But a special fertiliserl you msut obtain --- to make it reach higher than the clousds and rain.  Rooted on the mountaintop that lofty place, its branches will reach to the edge of space.  And now, Freyashawk, you know what you must do, as I entrust this seed to you.

Gilbert's Seed
Excellent Bait: 5

I talk to Sam at 10.00 in front of his stall and get his event.

Heh heh heh ... How is youse doin't'day, Freyashawk?  I gots holda some great fertiliser.  I'll give to youse, special!  G'wan, take it!

Got Magic Fertiliser!
So it didn't do a thing for dem regular seeds, yeah...?  So nobodies wants ta buy none of it!  But youse can find some good use for it, knoin' youse... Heh heh heh... I heard that this fertiliser only works on some kinda magical seeds dat grows up to da sky.  I guess youse shoujld plant da magica seed on toppa da mountain... Heh, dem fairy tales.  Heh heh heh.  YOuse just gonna have ta figure out hows to use it da right way...

No special new seeds, so shipping Dome Cabbage, Habanero and Jalapeno was not high enough in totals to do it.

19 Spring:

Raining again... perhaps I'll have some free time!

Harvested my first Huge Cabbage as well as some more Great Cabbages.  Harvested Purple Pansy yesterday but they are not in Iris' Stall.  Pink Pansy was for sale there.

My first Cow and Sheep are adults today.  Got Great Milk form the Cow and regular Wool from the Sheep.

The results are random, however.  I reloaded three times to find out after I received regular Milk and finally obtained the Great Milk from Melody.

Great Milk: 250G
Great Cabbage: 75G
Huge Cabbage: 125G
Dome Cabbage: 150G

Made Meuniere with Bluegill and Butter I htink.

Meuniere: 300G

Well, Gilbert is inside his tent on this rainy day both in the morning and afternoon so cannot expeirence the Event... how disappointing.  I gave him Mosquitofish and gave Sam Hot Pepper to raise heart levels but Gilbert simply wouldn't leave his tent in the rain.

Limit of 99 Fertiliser even with the Drawer.

Cannot trigger Gilbert's Event on Saturday even when sunny.... not outside the lake.  Sunday, however, as early as I like, he is there and event will trigger.
If I choose first answer: The point you make is wise.  To find memories fickle is no great surprise.  Een precious memories of th past may be forgotten also....  ...
(Then goes on to be the same event)

Gave Luke another egg while he was standing outside his house before 6. on Saturday and when I spoke to him again, his second event triggered.

What's up, Freyashawk?  How are you?  Got anything you need a sympathetic ear for?  ... Thing is, I don't have any troubles worth mentioning in my life, so...  Because of that, I can be there to listen to other people's troubles and help them get through them.

My chocies now:

No troubles?  Every one has SOME.

No troubles?  Lucky you.

That's a unique view of life.

I chose the first.

Har=-har=har~  I'm toucc hed by your  oncern.  But... Yeah.  I'm just blessed with a trouble-free life.  I guess my trouble is... I got no troubles!  And that's a problem if I'm gonna have a conversation like this on the topic of my troubleS!  Guess I better invent some troubles for myself!  Har har har! just kidding!  I amidre people who do lhave troubles, though.  After all, in overcoming troubles, they grow.  I guess I envy that a little... How otehr people grow as people through facing their troubles...

Got Teardrop: 5

If I had said: Lucky you.

Luke:  Lucky me, that's right...  I guess my trouble is... I got no troubles!

If I say:  That's a unique view of life...
Maybe it is...  I guess my trouble is... (etc.)

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