Tuesday 17 May 2016

23 Summer: Fishing Contest

Sam is in my house at the crack of dawn.

Sam:  Good morning, Freyashawk.  Today is da day of da fishing Contest!  Did you know dat?  Youse gets points from all da fish youse can catch in a set time.  Whoever gots da most points wins!  If youse wants ta enter de constest, come talks ta me between 10 s.m. and 2.59 p.m.  Heh heh heh... I'll be in da town square.  Hope youse decides ta join in!

In one file, this is the only event, but in another, the chick hatches.  So it definitely is random when the chick will hatch.

Everybodies!  Nice work out dere!  Time for da closin' ceremony!  Looks like everybpdoes caught demselves a lotta fish dis time... It was a tight contest, yeah?  So I'm gonna announce da results!  Da winner is...  With 312 points... Freyashawk!  Congratulations, youse!  Whatta huge haul of fish...!  An da winner, Freyashawk, you gets da grand prize!  So come get it already!
Golden Pepper Seeds

In second place with 92 points was... Andrea!  And in third place with 73 poitns was... Gilbert!  Dats' gonna do it for dis.  Fishing Contest.  Thanks ta everybodies who took part.  I hope youse will all be in da next contest too.  Heh-heh-heh...  Everybodies who entred gets a participation prize, so pick dat up before youse leave, please!

Fhsing Champion
Fishing Participant
Alligator Gar: 5
Rainbow Trout: 3

After: Sam:  Thanks for bein' in da Fishing Contet.  And nice job winnin' it too!  Heh heh heh...

If I sell 11 San Marzano, I unlock San Marzano Seeds from Sam.  If I sell 12 Brown Carrots, I do NOT unlock Brown Carrot Seeds.I actually only need to sell 10 San Marzano to unlock the seeds.

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