Sunday 15 May 2016

11 Summer and Fireworks Festival

I experienced Catherine's 'First Friend' Event this morning.

With great difficulty I ahve avoided the Fireworks Festival  invitation unti now.  Found Tony at home and spoke to him.  The first option:

Offer him the Blue Feather
Don't offer him the Blue FEather.

So I had to do THAT first...

Then came:

Invite to the Fireworks Festival, so I did... will not save this.

Tony:  You, um... Are invitin me to the Fireworks Festival/  I mean, I ... don't have any plans or anything... So um, yeah, let's go together.  I'll come pick you up that day at your house.  So please be at home between 5 p.m. and 5.49 p.m, okay?  I'm, um, not sure if I'm more excited or nervous to go with you, but... the fireworks will be great!

In the afternoon today, Hunter is outside near the plaza, Tabitha is outside near the flower stall, Gareth is in his house, Luke is outside his house.  If I speak to either Luke or Gareth, the first thing is the option to offer the Blue Feather.  Gilbert is in the bar at 8.00 p.m.  I cannot offer to Hunter or Gilbert because I haven't had their events.


If I go with Gilbert:

 Gilbert:  You extend an invitation to me?  For the fireworks festivities?  I'ms hnoured by your request, ho-ho!  In your company I'll gladly go.  I will come fetch you at your house on the day of the festival.  Be at home between 5 p.m. and 7.59 p.m.  What fireworks will burst and blzae?  What night sky spectacle will amaze?

12 Summer, unsaved... go into my house and the event occurs.  Gilbert:    Let us depart!

We are at the top of the mountain.
Gilbert:  here's a spot ofg which I gorw ever fonder... looking out on fireworks bursting yonger.  Oh-ho, and no it begins!

Both of us with music, standing.

Gilbert:  ... This is a town thatdeserves acclaim, for filling the skies with flowers of flame!  Did you stumble upon it by fate or chance?  What iO  know is in your life, luck seems enhanced! Perhaps I too should settle here...  No, nothing!  I said nothing meant for your ears...  With why do my words burst forth without fear...?

Screen darkens and now we face one another

Gilbert:  Alas, it seems the display is done.  Had it been longer, it would have been even more fun!  Let us go, and I will see you safely home.

The Fireworks Festival
Cyrstal Ore
It is 8.00 p.m. and I am alone in my house.

If I ask Tony:

5.00 p.m. when I enter house, screen darkens, then Tony and I face one another in front of the cooker.

Tony:  I think we should get going now... don't you?

Screen darkens.
We now stand at the edge of the cliff.

Tony:  I think we'll have a good view of the fireworks from this spot... Ah, looks like they're starting.

Both of us with music... display begins.
Tony:  Wo!  Amazing!  Incredibly beautiful!  Oh, sorry... I got carried away and started acting like a little kid.  When I'm alone with you, it makes me feel giddy... Ah-ha-ha.  It's amazing when you think of it.  Flowers of fire in the sku.  Who came up with that/  I'd like to come up with idea for amazing things like that some day... Fireworks are beautiful...

Screen darkens and now we face one another

Tony:  What a great fireworks display!  I can't wait until next year!  And, um... I'm glad you and I were able to go together, Freyashawk... but it's time I got you home...

Home alone now.
Fireworkds Festival.
It's 9.00 p.m.

If I ask Gareth, again first have to decline to offer Blue Feather then:

Gareth:  YOu desire to go and see fireworks in muy company?  What an eccentric human you seem to be...  I alreday intended to go and observe the fireworks.  If you wish to accompany me, I won't object.  So, I will meet you that day at your home. Therefore, be at home between 5 p.m. and 7.39 p.m.  It may surprise you to learn that I like watching firworks, so I am looking forward to that day.

Lots of Crops
Got: Angel Lantern Seeds: 10

And in another file I am not going to save, waiting for gareth, Got:

San Marzano: 100G
  Long, thin tomato that is perfect for making sauce.

Great Tomato: 85G

Gareth at 6.00:  Time for us to get going now...

Screen darkens.
On the mountain:  This spot offers an optimal view of the fireworks.  It is a secret I keep carefully to myself!  Hmmm... It appears they will begin momentarily.  Bloth of us with music as they begin
Gareth:  Red from strontium...
Blue from barium...
Green from copper...
And observe!  That gold colour is achieved with a titaium compound!  All bursting with real artistry.  My favourites are the gold=coloured ones.  They remind me of the sun... isn't that odd/  What colour of firworks do you like best/  I've heard of new colours: peach, light blue...  I am not querying your tastes out of personal curiosity, of course1  Merely collecting data.

Scfeen darkens again and we face one another.
Gareth:  Another year with an exceptional fireowks display!  I am satisfied.  It is time we returned to our homes.  Your presence... did not distract from the experience...

Alone at home:
The Fireworkds Festival
Got Crystal Ore

Now for Hunter:

Th' Fireworks Festival...?  ... Alrighty.  I ain't got nothin' planned fer that day... I'll tag along with y'all.  Tell y'all what... I'll come pick y'all up at her house the day of... so be there 'tween 5 p.m. and 7.59 p.m.... I love me some fireworks. I  can't wait t'see 'em with y'all.

Hunter at 6.00:  Y'all 'bout ready to head out...?

At the peak:  An't nobody but us in this here spot.. An' we got us a good view.  ... I think th' fireworks're about t'start...
Both of us with music
Hunter; ... They sure are purdy...  ... I s'pose all the folks in town are watchin' from th' town square.  i've watched 'em from there many times muhself...  But... today's fireworks seem even purdier than usual...  bein' up here on the mountain... or bein' with y'all, Freyashawk... ain't sure which...

Facing one another;
Hunter: ... Reckon that's th' end of this year's firworks.  I'm glad I got t'wath 'em with y'all.  Thanks.  We'd best be mosyin' home now, Freyashawk...

I could NOT marry THIS GUY!!!

Luke:  You're inviting me to the Fireworks Festival?  Awesome!  I'm free that day.  So, let's go see some firworks together!  I'll come pick you up that day aat your house.  You just be at home between 5 p.m. and 7.59 p.m., please.  Cool?  Har-har, watching firworks is like a party atmosphere, and i love parties!  

If I speak to Tony:  The fireworks Festival is coming up soon.  am I inviting anybody?  No, U... Uh...

Gilbert:  Coloured explosions will fill the air!  Best seen from the mountain, and not the Town square...

Iris down by the water.  Fireworks re delightful, aren't they?  Tee-hee, every one is going to gather in the town square to watch!                  

Luke:  Time we got going!  You ready?
on the moutnain peak:  This is the best eseat in the house!  One of my customers told me about it.  I'm glad I came!  Cool, looks like it's starting.
Both of us with music:  Oh yeah, this was definitely the right spot to come to!  We can see great from here  Har-har!  Now why is it the firworks look even bigger and brighter than ever right now...?  To be honest, a smuch as I love all kinds of parties and events, I never was into fireworks much.  So why are they impressing me now?  Could it be because i'm with you...?  Then it's just my good luck to get to see fireworks in your company, Freyashawk.

Now facing me:  So that's it for the fireworks this year.  I hate to see it end, but at least I saw it with you.  Now it's time to get you home, Freyashawk.

One more experience... what if I don't ask any one?

YOu actually can ask some one ON THE DAY!  Amazing...That never was the case in any other HM game.

Harvest God:  Theyll be shooting those fireworks up here soon, eh?  I always get startled by those things...

Gorgan:  I understand that you have an event called the Fireworks Festival.  What are these 'fireworks?

Dewy:  I=I'm not scared of fireworks.  No way!  Not me!  I'd never cry just because they make a big boom...

lsally:  I'm looking forard to the Fireworks Fesival... it's not ust for kids!  But my mom promised to take me.

Even after 5.00 p.m., you still can invite some one!  I went to the square and there was Gilbert, all alone, no fireworks... but if I spoke to him, I would have the option to ask him.

So I asked him to see what would happen if I don't go home in time.  I find Gilbert in the square at 9.00.  He makes no mention of the fact that I stood him up!

Back to 11 Summer... why wait?  I am torn between Luke and Tony but finally went to the forge...

Brutus:  SHE was kujubg of your farm.  Was liking walk with Brutus there.  And with Tony when Tony born.

Tony:  You... um... Are inviting me to the Fireworks Festival?   I mean, I ... don't have any plans or anything... So, um, yeah, let's go together.  I'll come pick you up that day at your house.  So please be at hoe between 5 p.m. and 7.59 p.m. okay?  I'm, um, ot sure if I'm more excited or nervous to go with you, but... the fireworks will be great!

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