Thursday 12 May 2016

1 Summer Harvest God Birthday and Emily Bread Event

After all my work and harvesting and catching my first Goby, I had to reload the day because I did not make it to the Harvest God in time to wish him Happy Birthday... so

Still got one Mystic Herb in the morning and the two Red Zeppelins.  Went up the mountain and experienced the Harvest God birthday event, then gave him an Apple for good measure.  Came back down, bought some seeds and Animal Feed, giving Hunter milk, then giving Iris and April both Marguerites.  Went into the Restaurant and gave Emily a Broccoli and Hanna an Onion, left and came back and as soon as I entered, experienced an Event.

Sally:  YOu want us to taste something?  Like what?  I want to know!
Emily:  Hmm=dee=hmmm!  You both said that you hate vegetables, right?
Jimmy:  Vegetables taste like dirt!
Emily:  That's why I created a dish especially for the two of you!  Go ahead!  Try some!
Jimmy and Sally both with music.

Jimmy  What IS this stuff?!  The bread's a weird colour.
Sally:  Ooh!  This is yummy!  Are you sure it really has veggies in it?
Emily:  It's bread with vegetables kneaded into the dough!  Now you two can eat veggies without whining!
Sally:  I guess... And the colours are pretty... I guess I like vegetables now JUSGT a little bit.

The screen darkens and now Emily faces me.

Emily:  Hey, Freyashawk!  Were you watching the whole time?  Why didn't you say something?!  Did you see the reaction those kids had?  They're both known veggie-haters but they liked it!  So I thought about what soome one might actually want to eat, y'know?  And I realised that even though cream IS super-delicious, I was going just by my own taste.  And when I was a kid, I hated veggies too, so I could understand how Sally and Jimmy felt.  When you get up the guts to try something you don't like, sometimes you find it isn't actually too bad.  So I realised their veggie-hating was my angle!  And I cooked up a dish to work on that angle!  I'm so glad they actually liked it!  Next, I 'll have my mom try it!  I know you're also working hard to become a better cook, but i'm not letting you get ahead of me!

Emily's Veggie Bread
Got Legendary Cheese: 5

2 Summer:

Got my first Red Pepper and Giant Green Pepper.  Some Zucchini as well..

Went to town late at night.  Gave Tabitha (outside) Crystal, Hunter who was outside, Milk,  Cahterine in her house Strawberry and then entered Luke's house, gave him n Egg, and spoke to him again to initiate an event.

Luke:    Hey, Freyashawk... Let me ask you something.  So my trouble is, I got no troubles, right?  And I got to wondering why it is that I have no troubles.  See, the way I'm wired is... I like everything!  I'm interested in everything!  YOu name it!  On the other hand, that means I don't really go deep on any one specific thing.  I started to ask myself, 'Does that make me a shallow person?'  That's why I respect every body.  They really get into whatever it is that's their thing.  And if they have some sturggles with whatever their main thing is, I want to be there to help out.  ... Me, the guy with  no troubles, stands ready to soak up the troubles of others...  Har-har-har!  But I can take it!  When I talk to you, freyashawk, everything seems even more okay with me than usual!  Even though nothing is realluy solved... isn't that weird?  But in any case, thanks!  For some reason, Im really getting into having these talks with you!
Lack of Trtoubles
Got Blue Rose: 8

It is half past eleven on Thursday night, 2 Summer.

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