Sunday 15 May 2016

7 Summer

Working in the barn this morning:

Animal Lover
Miracle Milk : 6

Hunter is outisde my house to the right but my only choice is to ask to Fireworks Festival.

Iris:  Mmm-hmm, so you remembered my birthday?  HOw thoughtful of your, thank you veyr much!  Tee=hee!

Iris' Birthday
Durum Wheat Flour: 5

Gave her Marguerite:

Iris;  Mmm, a birthday present for me?  Tee=hee-hee!  I love it!  Thank you very much, Freyashawk!

April loves Blue Rose as much as Marguerite.

Harvest Goddess:  Oh my, Freyashawk!  Thank you for coming!  Tee-hee-hee!  I have something for you!
Got Blue Feather

HG: There's some one you're interested in, isn't there?  This is the Blue Feather!  Around here it's used when you want to propose to some one!  If you want to get married, though, you need a house that's big enough for at least two people!  Good luck, Freyashawk!  Your Harvest Goddess is rooting for you!

8 Summer:

I give gits to every one, avoiding the Fireworks question... return to my farm at 7.40 p.m. to find Gareth there near my house.  Initiate an event by speaking to him.

Gareth:  This farm is a remarkable place.  The people of the town seem to have an effection for it also.  ... Witches and wizards learn many things under their designated mentor...  Once they become independent, they take up a position  near a human community to offer aid.  At least, that is what my mentor taught me to do.  And yet, the element of relating to humans is very onerous to me.... I find it exhausting...  But recently, I've finally started to understand why my mentor wanted me to interact with people.  Since you and I started conversing... How can I put it?  I feel that my world has grown wider.   It is a fact that closing myself off in my own small world presents me from discovering some things...  I believe there IS some way tor me to rleate to people, but not the same as you and that witch do it...

My choices now:

If yiou need my help, you've got it.

I hope you find that way.

Maybe there is, or maybe not.

If you need my help, you've got it.

Gareth:  I think that is the aspect of your personality that draws people in.  You are an unusual person... Quite intriguing, in fact...  If I could be as interested in other humans with whom I deal as with you, relating would be easier.  ... But at the moment, you are the only human who holds my interest.  Please do not disappoint me by becoming less interesting, Freyashawk.

The Curious Wizard
Got Ruby: 2

If I chose:  I hope you find that way.

Gareth:  Yes... it may be a time-consuming process, however...  If I could be as interested in other...

If I chose:  Maybe there is, maybe not.

Gareth:  ... Surely there must be.  If not, I would be very disappointed...  If I could be as interested...

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