Wednesday 4 May 2016

Sunday, 14 Spring

Raining this morning.  When I awaken with an exclamation point over my head, I have an event with Hunter.

Mornin' Freyashawk... Ah came to tell y'all that y'all can geet a dog from muh shop now.  If'n y'all want a pet, jus' stop by muh shop.

So, Dog is added:

Cow: 10000G
Sheep: 10000G
Chicken: 2000G
Dog: 8000G

Named it Mercury.

Afyer the instructions:

Memory: Doggie Delight
Got Great Animal Feed: 10

Raining today so no need to water.

April's Birthday.  Got her Birthday Memory and gave her a Most Favourite, a Carrot.  Gave Iris a Marguerite.

Found Luke in the Restaurant and gave him an Egg which is a most Favourite of his.  Went back to Hunte'rs Shop to give HIM a Most Favourite, Spinach.

Caught Barbatus and Bluegill by Hunter's shop in the rain.

Monday, 15 Spring:

Experienced April's Event first after giving her a Marguerite at 4.00 p.m.  It is raining today so weather does not matter.  When I spoke to her again:
 April:  Ah, um,... h-hello, Freyashawk!  L-Let's see... I'm, um, supposed to aonnounce something about the flower shop... What was it...?  Ah!  Seeds!  W-Would you like to come b-buy flower seeds... from our shop?  Um, it d=doesn't have to be flower seeds... We could s-sell you f-fertiliser too...  W-we have a lot of, um, very nice seeds... so, um...  ..  Oh dear, I'm t-teribile at this kind of thing!    (She then races away.  I sweat profusely, and Iris comes up the path to join me now.)

Iris:  Oh my, there goes April running off again.  Now what should I do with that girl, hmm...?  Don't be concerned, though, Freyashawk.  April does this kind of thing a lot, mmm, hmm!  She's very much the shy type, but please don't let that stop you from making friends with her.  Are there any seeds you're running low on, hmm...?  If you need seeds, you can always visit us.  Tee-hee!

Obtain: Sunflower Seeds: 8

Gave Iris a Marguerite as well.  Bought some stuff from Hunter and Sam, then went into the Bar at 6.30.  Gave Luke an Egg and spoke to him but no event.  Walked out and walked back into the shop to experience his Event:

Every one is standing, showing music.

Sam:  I'm tellin' youse, tellin' my troubles ta youse makes tme feel a million times bettah, Luke!  What would i do wi'out youse/  Heh heh heh...

Luke:  Any time, Sam, any time!

Emily:  Ooh, hey, Luke!  I've got something I REALLY need to talk to you about!  So my mom...

Luke: ... Uh=huh, she said that...?

Screen goes dark, then:

Luke:  Oh, good evening, Freyashawk.  Have anything you want to unburden yourself about to your trusty local barkeep?  Farming sounds like a tough job... I'm always here if you need to vent about cows or carrots!  Har-har!  I may not have all the answers...  But sometimes just getting it off your chest is all it takes to feel better about a situation!  And i'm fine with regular old chitchat, too.  So, what should we talk about today?  I absolutely love talking with every body.  So strike up a conversation with me anytime.

Luke's Customers
Obtain: Dome Cabbage: 5

Went directly to the table where Hunter was seated and spoke to him to experience his first Heart Event:

Hunter:  Huh... Freyashawk...? ...  ... Beg y'all's pardon.  I ain't much for makin' small talk.  ... Y'all's animals doiin/ awright?  ... If y'all got any trouble with th'animals an' don't understand somethin' I'll lend a hand.  Animals, they can tell when a human's fond of 'em...   A happy animal will... well, y'all can get high-quality products from 'em.  ... Shucks, I ain't no slick talker, but, when it comes to animals, i'll talk with y'all any ol' time...  ... When I was a young'un, I saw a big ol' cow.  Big, but real gentle,.  Friendliest cow y'ever saw...  Ever since then, I 've been real fond a'animals... cows, 'specially...   Do y'all like animals too...?  I'd be mighty pleased ot heart it if y'all do.
A Love of Animals
Got: Miracle Potion

So far, I have been unable to experience Gareth's first event, which is supposed to occur in his house.  I wonder if his heart level has to be a little higher.  Luke was at one musical note but it was only when I gave him ANOTHER Egg that I was able to trigger the event.

It is only because I have a decent amount of money now and because it is raining today that i have the time to run round the village triggering events!

Tuesday, 16 Spring:

Decided I would go to the very bottom of the mine.

I bought a lot of food and experienced Andrea's Event at the Restaurant.

Andrea and the Mine

Gave Andrea Silver Ore, a Most Favourite, when she was seated in the restaurant in the afternoon and spoke to her afterwards to experience this event.
 Hi there, Freyashawk.  Did you go see the mine?  You can dig out a bunch of different ore there.  I think it's been a long time since any one worked in that mine, so you should watch your step in there!  Anyway, recently...  Well, it's no big deal... Just that the mountain seems different somehow around here.  But don't worry about it!  It's probably just my imagination.  Anyway, how's your farm work going?  Don't push yourself too hard!  When you get tired, get some rest as soon as you can!  To do my job, I have to stay in good physical condition just like you, so let's encourage each other!

Got Mithril Ore: 5

At Floor 100, exclamation point and Rowan appears:  Wow!  I can't believe you made it this far down!  This is the 100th floor of the mine!  It must've been tough to get all the way down here!  Since this is the lowest floor of the mine, you should go back home and get some rest now!  Congratulations, Freyashawk!  You're amazing!

Happy Underground

Reward is another (smpty) Stamina Heart, giving a total of 6.

Soul Gem Ore first found on Floor 71 and every other floor beneath it.  Topaz and Amethyst were the dominant Ores on most floors until 80 I believe.  Then all the Ores found earlier, Peridot, Moonstone, Crystal, Onyx, Opal, reappeared.  No metal ores at all.  Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamon and Pink Diamond found with the Soul Gem Ore randomly through 100.

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